Thursday, September 16, 2010


My name is Danielle. I'm junior in high school. I play soccer for fun and for school. I have 2 dogs, 1 rabbit and 1 horse. I am 16 untill 10-4. I love my family and my friends. My closest friends are Krystal, Dana, Steph, Micheala, and Morgan, they are my closest friends. I enjoy ridding four-wheelers and ridding horses. I live on a farm and always have and i enjoy it i wouldn't like to live in town its to crowded for me. I have my licence and i have a car. My car is an orangeish red (brick) colored mustang year 2000 5 speed. I also get to drive my boyfriends truck a red F150 5 speed 1993. I am dating Max B. and have been for 4 months 2 weeks and 1 day as of today :)


Mrs. Smith said...

Glad to have you back for another fun year of blogging!